Digitize your enterprise-wide electronic documents..
Records management have become strategic imperatives for businesses across the globe. Information critical to an enterprise can exist in myriad forms such as paper, folders, documents, hand-written notes or in electronic formats such as emails, MS-Office documents and so on.
NewGen EDRMS software will manage the end-to-end content lifecycle of records from creation to disposition, to ensure effective service delivery and better accountability by maintaining the authenticity, reliability and integrity of records. With the EDRMS solution, you can capture, process, and view various content types, including physical paper documents and e-mails. The EDRMS will streamline your physical paper records, reducing the dependency on paper and digital records by leveraging the application’s key features, including;
- multi-channel content capture
- secure archival
- version management
- faster retrieval.
Newgen OmniDocs ECM suite offers smart tools to capture content from multiple sources, manage it in a secure centralized repository and make information accessible across content-centric processes. It offers flexibility to access or deliver content over mobile and cloud, creating a highly connected and digital workplace. Further, it helps enterprises mitigate business risks by ensuring compliance with various regulatory requirements and securing business critical information.
OmniScan is an advanced distributed document scanning solution for scalable high volume production environment which goes beyond content capture. It accelerates business processes by capturing data and transforming it into actionable business information. OmniScan enhances organisational effectiveness by accelerating the three core areas of enterprise level information capture:
- Scan – Enables organisations to securely capture paper and electronic documents at the point of origin from production level scanners and web desktop.
- Transform – Streamlines the transformation of captured documents into structured electronic information through automatic document classification, separation, data extraction and validation.
- Deliver – Ensures that the information and documents captured and processed are quickly and seamlessly delivered to multiple destinations like ECM/BPM platforms, SAP, Folder etc.
IBPS is a platform independent, scalable intelligent BPM system that enables smarter operations across critical business processes. It has seamless integration capabilities allowing it to be introduced into almost any existing IT infrastructure. Built using robust technologies, iBPS is a complete software suite used to design, automate, deploy, monitor, analyze and improve business processes. It also supports semi structured processes by enabling ad-hoc activities that can be picked during run time as needed. It has an in-built user-friendly GUI for an enhanced user experience. It involves minimal programming effort and is easily deployable thereby enabling enterprises to streamline their business processes for greater efficiencies. It facilitates productivity and agility across critical business processes, encompassing various phases of design, documentation, execution, monitoring, control, and even extension of business processes to external environments.

Find out more: https://newgensoft.com/